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Chakras General Explanation

Chakras are the key to physical health, emotional stability, and mental clarity.

Changes in energy fields form into a chakra, this vortex of moving energy stimulates our organs to release hormones into the bloodstream. The influences of these hormones control our bodies and also affect our mental state.

Think of chakras as a filtration system; they purify energy from our entire physical layer. As we begin our journey through the chakras, we open the path to healing, psychological development, and spiritual growth.

As we move upwards through the energy centers, we learn more about who we are and the ideas and attitudes that shape our lives.

We get the chance to increase personal responsibility for our lives by transforming our energy levels.

We become more purposeful, more focused on the paths we can take to find fulfillment, realize the talents and gifts we have, and place love and humanity at the center of our lives.

Healing our mind is the same as healing our energy. We learn to love and accept what makes us unique. We learn to forgive ourselves if we previously felt inferior. We can change the way we think.

In the Vedic scriptures, this healing system was already mentioned, and many original cultures embraced an understanding of energy. The Egyptians perfected it with aroma and color therapy; they had a natural understanding of the human soul and sanctified the earthly layer. Judaism references this in the mystical Kabbalah.

In our present lives, which are full of tension and overloaded with chemicals – that we absorb through polluted air, toxic water, and countless medications – we urgently need to understand this ancient knowledge of energy and its workings.

Energy teaches us that we are more than the shell of our bodies: we are a complete energy system that unites all levels of being into an energetic totality.

What we think and feel affects every cell in our body. It narrows our energy field and/or expands it, stimulating our vitality and the amount of resilience we have at our disposal.

Each chakra, or energy point, is connected to an element.

The earth is connected to the root chakra. This chakra is located at the base of the spine and directs energy to the hips, legs, and feet.

Through the root chakra, we are connected to the earth, are physically in our bodies, and receive life force energy.

Each chakra corresponds to many different qualities and substances. For example, each chakra resonates with a color and a sound. There is even a relationship with specific crystals, gemstones, and even plants.

The chakras contain different levels of consciousness, activity, and energetic charge.

The three lower chakras, located below the diaphragm, are known as the feminine chakras because they primarily receive. They connect us to Mother Earth and the events and qualities that link us to family and community. They deal with how we manage life using our instincts. These chakras are also the carriers of disease and health issues, as well as the courage to stay alive.

The four upper chakras are known as the masculine chakras. They are involved in releasing energy in the form of love, communication, healthy attitudes, and inner reflection. They connect us to the source and become active as we become spiritual and capable of love.

The more freedom, love, and beauty, the wider our energy field becomes. As we continue to develop, we become healthier, gaining more energy for healing, creativity, and joy.

Our chakras are the storehouse of thoughts and feelings about life and our attitudes towards it.



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