What is happiness?
Initially, you might think of your family, partner, children, house, vacations, sports, etc., but receiving compliments also gives people a happy feeling.
But what if you could feel happy without all those external things? That is where I personally want to grow.
When you tie your inner emotions to things, people, situations, or circumstances, you will often be disappointed, which has the opposite effect. If you think, “When this or that happens, I will be happy,” that’s quite strange, isn’t it? Waiting for happiness from external sources makes you happy only for a moment.
You are responsible for your own happiness, and you do this by consciously choosing happiness. What thoughts and dreams make your heart beat faster? Think about this, write it down if needed, or create a beautiful mood board.
Realize that you are allowed to be happy for no reason. Enjoy life, feel free, and you will see that everything comes to you. It’s a matter of manifesting what you want.
The time you spend on things outside yourself should be invested in yourself because you are worth it. Love yourself, and happiness will smile upon you.
When you are in a loving connection with others, you find happiness. You do need other people, but it starts with yourself.
There’s a reason people often say “follow your heart.” For me, this means not listening too much to others’ opinions and seeing them as the only truth but following my own path.
Find what makes you happy.
Happiness comes from within, and it’s about the feeling you experience now.
- Be grateful
- Manifest optimism
- Stop social comparison
- Be kind
- Exercise/move
- Meditate
- Learn to forgive