I am currently in the Netherlands


You have about 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day.

The same choices will always create the same behavior, and the same behavior will yield the same experiences, and the same experiences will create the same emotions.

And those same familiar feelings and emotions will drive the same exact thoughts. So it will always be equal to how you think, how you act, and how you feel.

Your personality creates your personal reality.

You need to look at those unconscious habits and behaviors that lead to the same experiences that create the same emotions and reinforce the same identity.

If you act and decide in the same way, you must look back at those emotions you have remembered.

“Neurons that fire together wire together.”

So, if you repeat the same thoughts, choices, behaviors, and experiences, you force your brain to fire the same sequences, in the same patterns.

The mind is the brain in action, so to create new connections in the brain, you need to think and do different things. Try to learn new things, read, and listen to new ideas. This way, you create new connections in your brain. Think outside the box (the brain). If you get your brain to work differently, you change your mind.


New thoughts lead to new choices. New choices lead to new behavior. New behavior creates new experiences. New experiences create new emotions. These new feelings and new emotions lead to new thoughts.

Your brain is organized to reflect everything you know in your life. Your brain is a reflection of your external environment, an artifact from the past. Everything you have learned and experienced is in your brain.

It is your environment that causes you to think and feel equal to everything you know. So changing is about being greater than your environment, being greater than the circumstances in your life.

When a dream/vision lives in your mind, it is so alive in your mind that you begin to live as if that future reality is happening in the present moment.

Believe in the future reality before it is made manifest.

To do this is scary because it is unknown and uncomfortable; it is unpredictable, you step into the unknown. This is the moment when people define themselves because it is very difficult not to make the same decisions as the day before.

If your new thoughts scare you, that voice in your head says, start tomorrow or you can’t do this, etc. If you listen to that voice as if it is true, that voice and that thought will lead you to the same choice as always. Where you place your intention is where you place your energy. Change your brain just by thinking. We have learned to need a reason to experience joy and gratitude, but in reality, you just need to feel it.

You give thanks before the event manifests and convince your body emotionally that it is already done. In this way, your body believes it is already done.

Ask this intelligence (your I AM) that moves within you, through you, and around you, because then you knock on the door of possibilities. The hardest part of changing your mind is taking the time for yourself to start changing from within.

When you are complete and connected to a vision or a future, it happens to you.

When you feel amazing, limitless, and joyful, and have positive thoughts, your genes will follow that feeling. A state of being is when your mind and body work together. Thoughts are the language of the brain, and feelings are the language of the body. And how you think and how you feel creates a state of being.

By the age of 35, you function like a computer program.

Stored behaviors Emotional reactions Beliefs Perceptions Attitudes, etc.

If you want to change some emotions, do not look to your past, but only to what emotions you feel and how you can change them and practice this. Create new thoughts and feelings, etc. Step out of that old feeling and create a new future.

Live your life as if your prayers have already been answered.

Remove those layers within us that block the flow of the divine. And suddenly, you begin to experience a level of joy that comes from within, that you are no longer tempted by the circumstances in your outer life, and you would never judge anyone else because you do not want to lose this feeling.

Everyone has done something in their life they are proud of. We live our lives to face those challenges with a new level of mind.

How do you become supernatural?

If terrible things happen in your life, write down every thought you think, if you feel angry, frustrated, sad, etc. This way, you become aware of your unconscious thoughts. Look at all your complaints and all the blame, anger, and sadness, the actions, and emotions. So you need to change your thoughts to create a different state of body and mind. You need to tell yourself repeatedly, ‘I love my life’ until you feel it in your system and pass it on to your genes, thus creating new connections in your brain.

Traumas are incidents in your life; they are not who you are. Every day you can start a new life. YOU CHOOSE!



Rotterdam en Ibiza



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